Applied Behavior

Analysis (ABA)

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the application of the principles of behavior to bring about meaningful and positive changes in behavior. We work with parents and clients to find out the cause of certain behaviors, and agree on appropriate replacement behaviors. New behaviors will be introduced, and skills will be taught to increase your child’s independence and skill level.

This field is backed by evidence-based research and driven by data. Many decades of research have validated treatments based on ABA, and it is widely accepted to be the most effective, evidence-based therapeutic approach used for the treatment of autism. This structured teaching of functional skills has the largest body of published research supporting its efficacy.

In the treatment of Autism, ABA methods are intended to support individuals with autism spectrum disorders in many ways, to include:



Each of our clients undergoes a formal speech and language evaluation to determine areas of strength and need, as well as to develop an individualized treatment plan. Evaluation and treatment is available for these and other issues that affect functional communication and learning:



Our licensed Occupational Therapists cater to the individual needs of the clients and help promote independent performance in life’s daily activities. We provide skilled intervention to our clients and supply them with appropriate tools to complete functional tasks in the therapy setting as well as outside of the facility. We also offer education to parents/caregivers in order to promote the carryover of learned skills to other settings in the community. Our Occupational Therapists focus on a variety of skill areas such as, but not limited to:



Our professional licensed physical therapists uses a variety of techniques and treatments to help the child build strength, improve movement, and strengthen skills needed to complete daily activities. Therapy is tailored to meet each client’s needs and goals. Evaluation and treatment is available for these and other issues that affect movement and gross motor skills:

Social Skills


Social skills groups at Exceptional Therapies are led by BCBA’s and trained RBT’s, who specialize in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) interventions. Our social skills groups provide:



Our professional licensed staff uses a variety of treatment methods to help clientele focus on individualized and personal goals. Therapy can increase overall sense of well-being, build stronger coping and problem-solving skills, change behavior and strengthen relationships.
Therapy is tailored to meet each client’s specific needs. Treatment is available for Children, Adolescents, Individuals and families struggling with a variety of concerns including but not limited to: